The seventh value (1150) is the height of the remote desktop window (also, I usually give it more size and the window will fit to the maximum automatically).Incase you missed it, we added the following new features in our earlier 8.4. Fluid performs much better on low bandwidth connections and is more consistent on fast connections. The sixth value (2000) is the width of the remote desktop window (I usually give it more size and the window will fit to the maximum automatically). This release contains (even) more performance improvements for the Fluid remote desktop protocol.The fifth value (10) would correspond to the y coordinate (a little margin too).

#Jump desktop full screen Pc#
rdp file with a text editor, and play with the following parameters (example for a 1680x1050 remote desktop resolution on a 1920x1200 pc screen): screen mode id:i:1 I also like to configure the remote desktop so that the window opens directly in maximized form, but not in full screen, so that you can continue to see the windows toolbar of your pc, and it is also still comfortable to switch between applications with Alt+Tab.