
Sam and max comics
Sam and max comics

sam and max comics

"They Stole Max's Brain!" reveals his biggest one.He nearly shoots a kid who calls him fat despite said kid being his past self. Berserk Button: Several, including calling him McGruff, calling him fat, trying to give him pink bellies, and especially trying to harm Max.Bear Hug: When he's feeling affectionate towards Max, he will pull him into one.This gets used for a couple of jokes in "They Stole Max's Brain!", when Sammun-mak bans, then admires aglets, the little plastic things at the end of shoelaces. Barefoot Cartoon Animal: He wears no shoes at all.Sam huffs "I don't want to talk about it." As the player navigates the Tunnel of Tough Love in Sam & Max: This Time It’s Virtual!, Max offhandedly asks Sam "How are things with Susan, anyway?".

sam and max comics

  • In the comics, when Max is kidnapped as a sacrifice by a bunch of volcano god cultists, he gets very interested in the prospect of nubile cultist women and has to force himself to remember Max's dilemma.
  • which turns to shock and dismay when the stripper turns out to be Jurgen's Monster.
  • He's seemingly excited when he hears there's going to be a stripper at Golem Lincoln's bachelor's party.
  • Seeing as how all of the females in his day-to-day life are either taken or uninterested, Max is the only logical candidate for this.
  • Additionally, in Poker Night 2 when asked about his relationship status, he will say that he is "off the market" confidentially.
  • The two agree never to address the matter further.

    sam and max comics

    Max is equally taken aback, having been assigned Sam as his soulmate.

  • In “Abe Lincoln Must Die!”, Sam makes the startling discovery that Max is his soulmate, at least according to Sybil’s matchmaking service.
  • Sam decides not to do it, but you can also use it on an obviously male gorilla guard and he'll actually get through most of the proposal before being shot down.
  • Ambiguously Bi: In "The Penal Zone," when you find a wedding ring, you can use it on Max and he'll imagine proposing to him.
  • Much of this can fairly easily be traced back to simply them being adventure games - by their very nature, Sam is going to need to solve just about every single one of his problems of off the back of his wits alone. The Telltale games do make him wield the Idiot Ball from time to time, though.

    sam and max comics

    Adaptational Intelligence: Not that he was ever dumb, but the games turn him from "relatively cool-headed and a somewhat rational thinker" into an outright Guile Hero capable of tricking, deceiving, and manipulating everyone - from jackass country singers to eldritch abominations intent on destroying the world - in order to get what he wants.This is likely done to make him, the Player Character, more of an Audience Surrogate. Adaptational Heroism: Downplayed, but his Comedic Sociopathy is reduced in the games compared to in the comics and cartoon.Though this trope is played with and balanced out by him not being as trigger happy and generally refusing to use his gun on living people. Adaptational Badass: In the games, he's a MUCH better shot with his gun than in the comics, able to hit whatever he's aiming at with ease.Acquired Poison Immunity: In "The City That Dares Not Sleep", he mentions that he's developed an immunity to chocolate (one of the substances that is poisonous to dogs) due to consuming so many fudge ice cream bars.He wields a Hand Cannon revolver, which he's quick to use, despite having terrible aim, or the fact he doesn't know what the word "aim" even means. Since then, they'be been inseparable, living and working together. He was born March 3rd, presumably sometime in the 1970's, and has been best friends with Max ever since they were children. Max is usually the only thing keeping him from taking his "job" too seriously.Īlthough most of the time he acts like a human in a dog costume, Sam sometimes behaves like a dog, sticking his head out the window, whining, growling, or enjoying dog treats. He retains a mostly laid-back personality, except for his enthusiasm for his warped sense of justice. He's passionate about justice, heavy weaponry, and bluegrass and, to a lesser extent, popsicles, although he's self-conscious about his weight. He tends to come off as more level-headed and less violent than his partner Max, but not by much. No part of this site may be reproduced without permission.Sam is one-half of the titular Freelance Police and is depicted as a six-foot tall anthropomorphic dog in a Film Noir-styled suit and fedora. Registered trademarks and tradenames are property of their respective owners.

    Sam and max comics